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Better For The Planet

We try to reduce our carbon footprint by being vertically integrated and focusing on demand. That way we only make as many shoes as needed and reduce the impact of manufacturing.

Plus, 10% of any profits are given to our charity partners who work tirelessly to save sea life and our Oceans.

Better For The Planet

We try to reduce our carbon footprint by being vertically integrated and focusing on demand. That way we only make as many shoes as needed and reduce the impact of manufacturing.

Plus, 10% of any profits are given to our charity partners who work tirelessly to save sea life and our Oceans.


In the US alone almost 70% of footwear uses animal product. 

Most leather is from the skins of cattle and calves, but also sheep, lambs, goats, and pigs.

Whilst zebras, bison, kangaroos, elephants, crocodiles, alligators, ostriches, lizards, and snakes are killed specifically for their skins.

Shoe glues were made from animal collagen, basically boiling animal bones, skins, tendons, and a like.

LØCI offers a luxury animal free option.

Sustain. Ability.

It all started with a question. How could we build the best possible LØCI?

100% vegan sneaker. 100% recycled packaging. A verticle supply chain, ensuring we don't produce more shoes than we need.

Combining styles and sustainability to deliver an eco-lux experince like no other. A focus on bringing ethics and principle to the table even when it doesn't make economic sense.

Ultimately it's about premium product and beyond.

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